Actors Of The シン・ゴジラ (2016)

1. シン・ゴジラ (2016) - 出演者 & スタッフ - The Movie Database

  • 出演者 67 · 長谷川博己. Rando Yaguchi : Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary · 竹野内豊 · 石原さとみ · 高良健吾 · 松尾諭 · 市川実日子 · 高橋一生 · 津田寛治.

  • ゴジラシリーズ第29作。総監督・脚本に庵野秀明、監督・特技監督に樋口真嗣を迎え製作された完全新作。 東京湾アクアトンネルが崩落する事故が発生。首相官邸での緊急会議で内閣官房副長官・矢口蘭堂(長谷川博己)が、海中に潜む謎の生物が事故を起こした可能性を指摘する。その後、海上に巨大不明生物が出現。さらには蒲田に上陸し、街を破壊しながら突進していく。政府の緊急対策本部は自衛隊に対し防衛出動命令を下し、“ゴジラ”と名付けられた巨大不明生物に立ち向かうが……。

2. Shin Godzilla (2016) - Full Cast & Crew - MyDramaList

  • Main Role · Hasegawa Hiroki. Rando Yaguchi [Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary]. Main Role · Takenouchi Yutaka. Akasaka Hideki [Government official]. Main Role.

  • All of the sudden, a giant creature immediately appears, destroying town after town plunged into chaos with its landing reaching the capital. This mysterious...

3. Shin Godzilla (2016) - Cast & Crew — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Cast 67 · Hiroki Hasegawa. Rando Yaguchi : Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary · Yutaka Takenouchi · Satomi Ishihara · Kengo Kora · Satoru Matsuo · Mikako Ichikawa.

  • When a massive, gilled monster emerges from the deep and tears through the city, the government scrambles to save its citizens. A rag-tag team of volunteers cuts through a web of red tape to uncover the monster's weakness and its mysterious ties to a foreign superpower. But time is not on their side - the greatest catastrophe to ever befall the world is about to evolve right before their very eyes.

4. Shin Godzilla | Dubbing Wikia - Fandom

  • Cast ; Kayoco Anne Patterson, Satomi Ishihara, Trina Nishimura ; Kiyotsugu Ōkōchi, Ren Ōsugi, Kent Williams ; Ryūta Azuma, Akira Emoto, Ed Blaylock ; Yūsuke Shimura ...

  • Shin Godzilla (シン・ゴジラ, Shin Gojira) is a 2016 Japanese kaiju film directed by Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi, with a screenplay by Anno and visual effects by Higuchi. Produced by Toho Pictures and Cine Bazar and distributed by Toho Co., Ltd., it is the 31st film in the Godzilla franchise, the 29th film produced by Toho, Toho's third reboot of the franchise, and the first film in the franchise's Reiwa era. It is the first reboot of a tokusatsu series to be adapted by Anno and Higuchi, followed b

5. Shin Godzilla (2016) | Wikizilla, the kaiju encyclopedia

  • It stars Hiroki Hasegawa, Yutaka Takenouchi, Satomi Ishihara, Ren Osugi, Akira Emoto, Kengo Kora, Mikako Ichikawa, Jun Kunimura, and Pierre Taki. The film was ...

  • Shin Godzilla (シン・ゴジラ,   Shin Gojira)[a] is a 2016 Japanese tokusatsu kaiju film written, directed, and co-edited by Hideaki Anno and co-directed by Shinji Higuchi, with visual effects by Higuchi and practical effects by Katsuro Onoue. Funded by Toho and produced by Toho Pictures and Cine Bazar, it is the 29th mainline installment in the Godzilla series, the 31st Godzilla film overall, the first film in the franchise's Reiwa era, and the first film in Anno's Shin anthology series. It stars Hiroki Hasegawa, Yutaka Takenouchi, Satomi Ishihara, Ren Osugi, Akira Emoto, Kengo Kora, Mikako Ichikawa, Jun Kunimura, and Pierre Taki. The film was released to Japanese theaters by Toho on July 29, 2016. Funimation gave it a limited, English-subtitled release in American theaters beginning on October 11, 2016. A black-and-white version of the film titled SHIN GODZILLA: ORTHOchromatic (シン・ゴジラ:オルソ,   Shin Gojira: Oruso, lit. "Shin Godzilla: Ortho") premiered at Ikebukuro HUMAX Cinemas in Tokyo on October 27, 2023, with screenings at select Japanese theaters following on October 28 and 29.[6]

6. シン・ゴジラ - shin godzilla - JFDB

  • [ Produced by ]. SATO Yoshihiro · SHIBUSAWA Masaya ; [ Cast ]. HASEGAWA Hiroki ── YAGUCHI Rando; TAKENOUCHI Yutaka ── AKASAKA Hideki ; [ Staff ]. ANNO Hideaki ── ...

  • The twenty-ninth Japanese-produced film in the globally popular "Godzilla" series. It dynamically portrays humanity being trampled by a gigantic monster while incorporating the perspective of the Japanese government under pressure to deal with the si...

7. Shin Godzilla (live-action movie) - Anime News Network

  • Hiroki Hasegawa · Randō Yaguchi ; Satomi Ishihara · Kayoko Anne Patterson ; Yutaka Takenouchi · Hideki Akasaka ; Akira Emoto · Ryūta Azuma ; Akira Hamada · Jun Kawano.

  • Sony to Release Godzilla Minus One Director Takashi Yamazaki's 1st English-Language Film (Nov 16, 2024)

8. Shin Godzilla (Film) | Gojipedia - Fandom

  • This interview revealed the names of the actors' characters: Satomi Ishihara's character's name is Kayoko Ann Patterson, Yutaka Takenouchi's is Hideki Akagi, ...

  • Japan vs. Godzilla. (ニッポン対ゴジラ。)Japanese taglineA god incarnate. A city doomed.North American tagline Shin Godzilla[5] (シン・ゴジラ,   Shin Gojira?), also known as Godzilla Resurgence, is a 2016 Japanese tokusatsu kaiju film produced by Toho Company Ltd., and the thirty-first installment in the Godzilla series.[6][7] It was released in Japanese theatres on July 29, 2016, and was also theatrically released in limited runs during late 2016 in 100 international territories, including North America, Centr

9. Shin Godzilla (2016) - Full Cast & Crew- MyDramaList

  • Hasegawa Hiroki. Rando Yaguchi [Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary] ; Takenouchi Yutaka. Akasaka Hideki [Government official] ; Ishihara Satomi. Kayoko Anne Patterson ...

  • Editar esta página

10. Shin-Godzilla News - MyKaiju®

  • 22 sep 2015 · We also learned that the lead actors will be Hiroki Hasegawa (長谷川博己, 38), co-star Takenouchi Yutaka, (竹野内, 44), and Satomi Ishihara ( ...

  • 9.22.15

11. シン・ゴジラのキャスト一覧 - みんなのシネマレビュー

  • シン・ゴジラ 2016年 [日]のキャスト一覧 ; 監督 · 樋口真嗣 監督 ; 助監督 · 轟木一騎 助監督 ; 演出 · 庵野秀明 演出 ; キャスト · 長谷川博己 男優 ; 声 · 庵野秀明 声 ...

  • シン・ゴジラのキャスト・スタッフ一覧です。2016年製作。118分。2016-07-29公開。223件のレビュー。平均7.2点です。

12. SHIN GODZILLA (2016) English-Language Version

  • 6 nov 2018 · It stars Hiroki Hasegawa, Yutaka Takenouchi, Satomi Ishihara, Ren Osugi, Akira Emoto, Kengo Kora, Mikako Ichikawa, Jun Kunimura, and Pierre Taki ...

  • Shin Godzilla (シン・ゴジラ Shin Gojira) is a 2016 Japanese tokusatsu kaiju film directed and written by Hideaki Anno and co-directed...

13. Shooting location of “Shin Godzilla” and cast / box office income etc.

  • 19 nov 2018 · Main cast ; Hiromi Ogashira, Deputy Director of Nature Conservation Bureau, Mikako Ichikawa ; Kayoko Ann Patterson, Satomi Ishihara ; Syuichi Izumi ...

  • This site can experience "Shin Godzilla" shooting location on Google's street view.Other information such as cast and box office income is also posted.

14. Shin series | Wikizilla, the kaiju encyclopedia

  • ↑ "ゴジラ新作に長谷川博己、竹野内豊、石原さとみ タイトルは「シン・ゴジラ」". Sponichi Annex. 23 September 2015. ↑ "2016年(平成28年) 興行収入10億 ...

  • The Shin series (「シン・」シリーズ,   "Shin" shirīzu), as it has been labeled by some media outlets,[1][2][3] is a franchise of unconnected Japanese film reboots of popular science-fiction series that is primarily helmed by Hideaki Anno. It is currently composed of four entries: Shin Godzilla (2016), Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time (2021, called "Shin Evangelion the Movie" in Japan), Shin Ultraman (2022), and Shin Kamen Rider (2023). Besides Anno, recurring creative forces include Shinji Higuchi, Katsuro Onoue, Masayuki, Ikki Todoroki, Atsuki Sato, and Shiro Sagisu.

15. 78点のシン・ゴジラの写真と高解像度写真 - Getty Images

  • ゲッティイメージズのプロのフォトグラファーが撮影した、高品質で本格的なシン・ゴジラの写真とロイヤリティフリーの写真のプレミアムコレクションをご覧ください。

  • Getty Images 日本国. オンラインで最も充実したイメージ検索写真ライブラリで、高解像度のロイヤリティフリーイメージ、エディトリアルストックフォト、ベクターアート、ビデオ映像クリップ、ストック音楽ライセンスを検索できます。

16. わらで作った「シン・ゴジラ」がリアルすぎてスゴい 福岡・筑前町の ...

  • 1 nov 2016 · わらで作った「シン・ゴジラ」がリアルすぎてスゴい 福岡・筑前町の収穫祭でお披露目 · 田園地帯に突如出現(筑前町役場提供)(C)TOHO CO · 暗闇の中でも存在 ...

  • 毎年恒例の収穫祭「ど~んとかがし祭り」を直前に控えた福岡県朝倉郡筑前町で、人気映画「シン・ゴジラ」のゴジラを模したオブジェが展示されている。わらや竹で作られたオブジェは、大きさもさることながら、その精巧さが目を引く。しっぽのうねり、皮膚の凹凸など、細部まで忠実に再現されている。同町の発表資料で製作班は、「クオリティの高いものを作ろう」「妥協はしません」と並々ならぬ意気込みを語っていた。高さ7メート

17. シン・ゴジラ : 作品情報 - 映画.com

  • Bevat niet: actors | Resultaten tonen met:actors

  • シン・ゴジラの作品情報。上映スケジュール、映画レビュー、予告動画。「ゴジラ FINAL WARS」(2004)以来12年ぶりに東宝が製作したオリジナルの「ゴジラ」映画。総監督・脚本...

Actors Of The シン・ゴジラ (2016)
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