CPU Benchmarks
Over 1,000,000 CPUs Benchmarked
Benchmarks for the Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 can be found below. Release dates, price and performancecomparisons are also listed when available. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTestbenchmark results and is updated daily.
- The first graph shows the relative performance of the CPU compared to the 10 other common (single) CPUs in terms of PassMark CPU Mark.
- The 2nd graph shows the value for money, in terms of the CPUMark per dollar.
- The pricing history data shows the price for a single Processor. For multiple Processors, multiply the price shown by the number of CPUs.
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- CPU Mark by Socket Type
- Cross-Platform CPU Performance
- Top Gaming CPUs
- CPU Mega List
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- AMD vs Intel Market Share
- Year on Year Performance
' + newMsg + '
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CPUCount : 1;for( var i = 0; i < this.CPUs.length; i++ )if( this.CPUs[i].CPUId == CPUId && this.CPUs[i].CPUCount == CPUCount ){this.CPUs.splice(i,1);return true;}return false;}removeAll() {this.CPUs.length = 0;let _this = this;$.ajax({type: "POST",url: "/compareAjax.php",data: {action: "removeAll"},success: function( data ) {console.log(data);_this.UpdateGUI();},});}_RemoveAll() {this.CPUs.length = 0;}CompareCPUs(interactive) {if( this.CPUs.length < 2 ){if(interactive) alert( "Minimum of 2 CPUs are required for comparison");return;}// Build Param Stringlet paramString1 = "";let paramString2 = "";for( let i = 0; i < this.CPUs.length; i++ ){if( i ){paramString1 += " vs ";paramString2 += "vs";}var name = this.CPUs[i].CPUName;var n = name.indexOf("@");if( n > 0 ){name = name.substr( 0, n-1 );}name = name.replace( /\//g, "", name );name = name.replace( /Intel\sCore\b/i, "Intel " );name = name.replace( /\s+/g, " ", name );paramString1 += name;paramString2 += "" + this.CPUs[i].CPUId;if( typeof this.CPUs[i].CPUCount !== 'undefined' && Number.isInteger( this.CPUs[i].CPUCount ) && this.CPUs[i].CPUCount > 1 )paramString2 += "." + this.CPUs[i].CPUCount.toString();}// Redirect to comparison pagelet locationHref = "/compare";window.location.href = encodeURI(locationHref +"/" + paramString2 +"/" + paramString1.replace(/\s/g, "-"));}}function updateSidebar(){let objSidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar");if( !objSidebar ){console.log( "Error: Object 'sidebar' not found!" );return;}console.log( "UpdateSideBar() Max Compare: " + MAX_COMPARE );console.log( myCmp.CPUs );let pSidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar_default_text");let tableSidebar = document.getElementById( "sidebar_table" );let buttonSidebar = document.getElementById( "sidebar_button" );let divTableSidebar = document.getElementById( "div_sidebar_table" );pSidebar.style.display = (myCmp.CPUs.length < 2) ? 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Try looking at mega list to see all names instead.",width: 300,minChars: 3,preventBadQueries: true,deferRequestBy: 200});});$("#sidebar_minimize, #sidebar_restore").click( function(event) {event.preventDefault();jQuery('#portamento_container').toggle();jQuery('#sb_restore').toggle();});$("#sidebar_button").on( "click", function() {myCmp.CompareCPUs(true);});function anim() {var indexcmp = document.getElementById('indexcmp');if(indexcmp.innerHTML < MAX_COMPARE) {$(".cmp-header a svg").addClass("anim-class");$(".cmp-header .number-cmp").addClass("anim-bounce-class");setTimeout(function () {$(".cmp-header a svg").removeClass('anim-class');}, 1500); }}function anim2() {$(".cmp-header a svg").addClass("anim-class");setTimeout(function () {$(".cmp-header a svg").removeClass('anim-class');}, 1500);}function launch_toast(toastID) {//var indexcmp = document.getElementById("indexcmp"); var toast = document.getElementById("toast"); //toast.top = indexcmp.top+30; toast.className = "show"; toast.style.display = "block"; setTimeout(function(){ toast.className = toast.className.replace("show", ""); }, 5000);}
Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 @ 2.90GHz
Class: Server
Socket: LGA2011-v3
Clockspeed: 2.9 GHz
Turbo Speed: 3.5 GHz
Cores: 10 Threads: 20
Typical TDP: 135 W
Cache per CPU Package:
L1 Instruction Cache: 10 x 32 KB
L1 Data Cache: 10 x 32 KB
L2 Cache: 10 x 256 KB
L3 Cache: 25 MB
Other names: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2666 v3 @ 2.90GHz, Intel Xeon CPU E5-2666 v3 @ 2.90GHz
CPU First Seen on Charts: Q1 2015
CPUmark/$Price: NA
Overall Rank:
884th fastest in multithreading out of 4795 CPUs
1468th fastest in single threading out of 4795 CPUs
417th fastest in out of 1016 Server CPUs
Last Price Change: NA
Average CPU Mark
Multithread Rating
Single Thread Rating
Samples: 287*
*Margin for error: Low
CPU Test Suite Average Results for Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 @ 2.90GHz
Integer Math | 58,525 MOps/Sec |
Floating Point Math | 29,326 MOps/Sec |
Find Prime Numbers | 57 Million Primes/Sec |
Random String Sorting | 32,963 Thousand Strings/Sec |
Data Encryption | 4,241 MBytes/Sec |
Data Compression | 244,760 KBytes/Sec |
Physics | 783 Frames/Sec |
Extended Instructions | 15,324 Million Matrices/Sec |
Single Thread | 1,972 MOps/Sec |
From submitted results to PerformanceTest V10 as of 13th of August 2024.
CPU Mark Distribution for Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 @ 2.90GHz
Submitted Baseline Distribution Graph as of 11th of August 2024
From submitted results to PerformanceTest V10 as of 11th of August 2024.
For distribution graph only: Results are trimmed to exclude outliers by disregarding the bottom 1% and top 1% of submissions.
Note: PassMark Software may earn compensation for sales from links on this site through affiliate programs.
Baseline | CPU Mark | |
BL2159049 - Aug 01 2024 | 16006 | |
BL5069945 - Aug 01 2024 | 12943 | |
BL2157332 - Jul 30 2024 | 16377 | |
BL2150430 - Jul 21 2024 [Excluded] | 13101 | |
BL2137532 - Jul 04 2024 | 14225 |
Additional baselines can be obtained using Windows version of PerformanceTest's Manage Baselines feature.